When We Die, We Go to the Mii Plaza

Not sure how to start this one, I don't wanna make these too formal lol. Currently working on a Wii menu inspired layout. Or at least attempting to. I'm still really new to all this HTML and CSS stuff so it's been less of "I'm making this" and more of "I am attempting to make this and using it as a learning process rather than trying to complete it". If that makes any sense. I keep having to reference other code to make sure I'm doing the correct thing. I'm not stressing over it, though; This is my first hand-coded project ever so I'm just having fun with it. I hope to eventually make an entire Wii-themed website layout with multiple pages and sound effects and all that cool shit. That's far from my current skill level but I think I can learn enough to do it. It's probably been done before, but doing it myself will kind of be like... a love letter to my favorite console ever.

The Wii overall is just really important to me and it played such a big part in my life. One of my earliest special interests was Miis as a whole, and that still remains true to this day. As a kid, I associated my family more with their Miis rather than their actual faces... I still remember what all of their Miis looked like an entire 16 years later. Autism is wild.

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