useful links

Here's a collection of useful links and resources I've put together! Everything on here is stuff I personally use or have used, and I figured it could help some people. This list is never complete and I will constantly be adding more things, so check back often!


W3Schools - Learn HTML, CSS, JS, and many other languages! I used this when first learning CSS. An amazing resource, whether you want to sit down and learn, or just want answers to a quick coding-relating question. It explains everything in an easy to understand way, and my website would not exist without it lol.

Codepen - A social front-end development resource! Find and publish snippets of code with live previews!

Layoutit! - Interactive CSS grid generator!

Scripted - Codes and resources for your website. Intended for Carrd, but most if not all code snippets should work in anything that supports HTML/CSS/JS.

Ishimori - Another very useful coding resource Carrd.

Kevin Powell (YouTube)- Lots of very useful videos on frontend development! This guy explains things in a very easy to understand manner, and I'd recommend his channel to beginners and experts alike! :D

Last.FM Recently Played Widget - Show people your last played song on Last.FM I use this on my site!


Gifcities - A GIF search engine grabbing from archived Geocities websites! I love this site, but it can be a little slow.

Glitter Graphics - Lots of old cute graphics from the MySpace era like dolls, blinkies, icons, etc!

emojiBank - A Japanese website with thousands of 20x20 pixels/favicons. Saving images is a bit wonky, so you'll have to use inspect element. You may also need to use a translator to search up exactly what you're looking for if you don't speak Japanese. - Make your own blinkies!

Pixel-Soup (Tumblr) - A blog for cute pixel graphics that I've been using since I was 12. Unfortunately, a lot of the hotlinks have been dying. :(

Pixel Safari - Lots of pixels, ranging from dividers to favicons to blinkies and more.

Pixel Sea - More pixels (and buttons too!). Be warned, this site has autoplay, and can also be a bit confusing to navigate at first.

Transparent Textures - Tons of seamless patterns with transparent backgrounds so they can be any color you like! A great way to give otherwise solid color backgrounds a little something extra!


Catbox - Host your files under 200mb, complete with a cute URL. Also has a temporary variant named litterbox!

Vivaldi - Awesome browser that is super customizable and doesn't track you or sell your data. Also provides built in RSS feeds, an email service... Probably the best web browser out there. Ditch Chrome and OperaGX!! (not #sponsor but I wish lol vivaldi hmu)